Monday, March 30, 2009

Russian Fashion Week: Patriarch Of Russian Fashion

The rich, spectacular, and romantic Slava Zaitsev’s haute-couture collection has been inspired by the Sergey Dyagilev Seasons in Paris.

It’s dedicated to the 100-year anniversary of the renowned Ballets Russes company that was a success in Paris in the beginning of the 20th century.

“The collection is very powerful and breathtakingly beautiful. Each item is an object of art,” says Zaitsev. “It’s for those who value beauty in fashion. However, it doesn’t mean that I create clothes that are hard to wear. Despite their artistic value, my creations are functional and comfortable. I’m not a fan of abstract style in clothing. It’s boring. Besides, I have to sell my collections to customers."

Zaitsev says he has always been a strong admirer of aesthetism. “I think even if you put on a white shirt with a black skirt, black shoes, black stockings, and a black hat you’ll look beautiful.”

Despite international success, Zaitsev has always preferred to keep close to his roots, urging Russian designers not to be influenced by the West. Russian folklore tradition has always been an inspiration for him.

Zaitsev says, he has never been a slave to fashion. “The French media once said about Yves Saint Laurent, that he 'walks down the opposite side of the street called Fashion.' The same applies to me. Fashion rules don’t exist for me."

In Soviet times, Zaitsev was the first designer who was allowed to put a label in his clothing. “I’ve been in the fashion business for 46 years. I’ve lived through the '60s, '70s, '80s, and '90s. I’m not interested in re-creating something that’s already been created by somebody. I just try to entice people into the whirlpool of passions, joy, and beauty that exist in my world of fashion”.

Zaitsev’s long-time clients are show-biz celebrities, high-ranking officials, and politicians. The indefatigable fashion designer manages 500 people who work at his own fashion house in the center of Moscow.

Source: RT

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